HTML tables ----------- In our program, we'll need an HTML table which we'll use to show the high score list to the user. HTML tables are a fairly straightforward concept. Here's one: .. code-block:: html :linenos:
Position Date User Guesses
* Line 1: We start the table with the tag. We assign it an ID and request it to be rendered with a border. * Line 2: We start defining a row for the table using the (table row) tag. * Line 3: We define a cell using the
(table data) tag. The contents are simply text in this case but can in general be any HTML. In order to modify tables in JavaScript, we can do the following: .. code-block:: js :linenos: table = document.getElementById("hiscore"); for(var i = 1; i < 3; i++) { table.rows[i].cells.item(1).innerHTML = "2017-02-15"; } * Line 1: We obtain a reference to the table * Line 2: We iterate over two table rows using a for loop, skipping the header (both rows and cells, and JavaScript arrays in general, are 0-indexed, meaning the arrays start at 0) * Line 3: We set the contents of the second cell of the i'th row to "2017-02-15". *Exercise*: Add a HTML table in your guessing game web page as a placeholder for the high score list. You can set the values for the first row in the table (i.e. the header) but leave the other cells empty for now.