.. guide documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Mon Feb 5 23:45:12 2018. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Learn Programming ================= .. only:: html Learn Programming is a free book aimed at readers who are interested in software development but have very little to no prior experience. The book focuses on teaching the core principles around software development. .. raw:: html Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. The code within this book is licensed under the MIT license. .. only:: html :download:`Download the book in PDF form. <../_build/latex/book.pdf>` The print version of the book is now available. ISBN: 978-1722834920. `Amazon.com link `_ - `Amazon.co.uk `_ - `Amazon.de `_ - `Amazon.ca `_ .. image:: ../material/cover.jpg 2018-09-03: There's a :doc:`blog post ` on the philosophy of the structure of this book. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 :caption: Contents :numbered: ch1_index ch2_index ch3_index ch4_index .. only:: not latex .. toctree:: ex_index .. only:: html Downloads for the print version: * Lots of quadratic equations * :download:`test1.txt <../material/quad/test1.txt>` * :download:`test.txt <../material/quad/test.txt>` * PNG files * :download:`guess1.png <../material/png/guess1.png>` * Propagation and search * :download:`sud1.txt <../material/sudoku/sud1.txt>` * :download:`sud2.txt <../material/sudoku/sud2.txt>` * Introduction to larger software * :download:`sched.txt <../material/bus/sched.txt>` * :download:`gps.txt <../material/bus/gps.txt>` * :download:`gps_raw.txt <../material/bus/gps_raw.txt>` * Drawing the schedule screen using SDL2 * :download:`label_info.txt <../material/bus/label_info.txt>` * Graphs * :download:`dep2.dot <../material/dot/dep2.dot>` * Generating a return form * :download:`logo.png <../material/retail/logo.png>` * :download:`example.pdf <../material/retail/example.pdf>` Contact author: ajsalonen@gmail.com